Lake Norman Regional Medical Center Fights Hunger Through Its Second Annual Jars of Love Peanut Butter Drive
To help address hunger in our community, and in celebration of National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day on April 2, the employees, volunteers and medical staff of Lake Norman Regional Medical Center donated jars of peanut butter during their second annual Jars of Love drive to FeedNC, a local non-profit providing meals, displacement services, and donations for guests in need in the Mooresville community.
In addition to hospital-based donations, community partners, including individuals and businesses, pitched in this year with their contributions to the peanut butter drive bringing the total contributed Jars of Love to 1,278, weighing in at 1,415 pounds.
According to FeedNC, 13.4 percent of residents in Iredell County struggle to put food on the table. The Jars of Love Peanut Butter Drive was launched to help support individuals who are facing food insecurity, which is a social determinant of health.
“A huge thank you to Lake Norman Regional Medical Center and all who donated and supported the Jars of Love campaign again this year,” said Lara Ingram, chief executive officer at FeedNC. “Your efforts resulted in an incredible donation of more than 1,400 pounds of jars of peanut butter for FeedNC’s Grassroots Grocery Program!”
Peanut butter is one of the most requested items for food banks because it is highly nutritious and has a long shelf life. Unfortunately, many food banks in America report it is also one of the least donated food items. Other foods needed by food banks include pasta, canned goods, butter, grits, beef broth, diapers, toothpaste, and deodorant.
To learn more about FeedNC, visit or call (704) 660-9010.
L to R: Pleased to deliver Jars of Love to FeedNC are the hospital’s Director of Community Outreach Mitzie McCurdy, Accounting Clerk Kristi Miller, Network Director of Marketing Leigh Whitfield, and FeedNC Chief Executive Director Lara Ingram gathered around the official weighing of the peanut butter donation.